Why Buying a Business is Better than Starting a New One


Starting a new business can be an exciting and rewarding experience, but it’s not always the best option for everyone. In fact, there are several compelling reasons why buying a business can be a smarter choice than starting one from scratch.

  1. Established customer base

One of the biggest advantages of buying an existing business is that it already has an established customer base. This means that you don’t have to spend time and money on marketing efforts to attract new customers. Instead, you can focus on retaining the existing customer base and expanding it further.

  1. Proven business model

When you buy an existing business, you are also buying a proven business model. This means that the business has already gone through the trial and error phase of figuring out what works and what doesn’t. You can learn from the previous owner’s mistakes and build on their successes to take the business to the next level.

  1. Established brand identity

Another advantage of buying an existing business is that it already has an established brand identity. This means that the business has a reputation in the marketplace, and people know what to expect from it. This can be a huge advantage when it comes to marketing and advertising efforts.

  1. Existing infrastructure

Buying an existing business also means that you inherit an existing infrastructure. This includes things like office space, equipment, and employees. This can be a huge advantage, as you don’t have to spend time and money building everything from scratch. Instead, you can focus on making improvements to the existing infrastructure to make it more efficient and effective.

  1. Established relationships with suppliers

When you buy an existing business, you also inherit established relationships with suppliers. This means that you don’t have to spend time and money building these relationships from scratch. Instead, you can leverage the existing relationships to negotiate better prices and terms.

  1. Existing revenue stream

Perhaps the biggest advantage of buying an existing business is that it already has an existing revenue stream. This means that you start making money from day one. With a new business, it can take months or even years to generate revenue. This can put a significant strain on your finances and make it difficult to sustain the business.

  1. Easier access to financing

When you buy an existing business, you may find it easier to access financing. This is because lenders are more likely to lend money to a business that has an established track record and proven revenue stream. With a new business, lenders may be more hesitant to lend money, as there is a higher risk of failure.

  1. Lower risk

Buying an existing business also comes with a lower risk than starting a new one. This is because the business has already gone through the startup phase, and the previous owner has already made the initial investment. This means that you can focus on making improvements to the existing business, rather than worrying about whether or not the business will survive.

In conclusion, buying a business is a better option than starting a new one in many cases. While there are advantages to starting a new business, the benefits of buying an existing business are difficult to ignore. An established customer base, proven business model, brand identity, existing infrastructure, established relationships with suppliers, existing revenue stream, easier access to financing, and lower risk are all compelling reasons to consider buying a business rather than starting one from scratch.

Mike Janis